Generation Z includes 33% of the global population as it covers the ones who were born between 1995 to the mid-2000. They all have grown up with mobiles and laptops and also did not remember the time before the internet.
So, you have to grab their attention from the first impression else you will be forgotten forever. Therefore you should focus on the following strategies to increase their brand awareness and sales if you are going to target generation Z
Sell experiences, not products
As generation Z has grown up with the internet, they want to know how your product will benefit them instead of hearing why your product is so amazing. they are interested in knowing the experience that the product will bring to them.
It has been revealed in a Google survey that the first platform which Generation Z wants to turn on is youtube because video content is a key to marketing the product.
Engage with customers
It is very important for you to engage with your customers as 76% of generation Z has stated that they want only those brands that respond to their feedback. However, you should respond to the negative feedback also so that readers may find that you have acknowledged the issues to resolve them.
Highlight your dedication to privacy
It is very important to protect the privacy of every user because, in a survey by IBM, it has been found that only one-third of the team are comfortable in sharing their personal details online and the remaining customer first confirms the privacy policy of the company.
If you want to know something more, you can come and talk to us. We are always here to help our clients as our team is always available for you.