Authoritative Website Ways & Means :-
To determine how to rank pages in its search results Google uses algorithm that are technically complex in nature. Here it considers one important factor that is the authority of a website. In other words, if Google deems a website to be of high value, automatically the search engine will rank the site’s pages in higher positions again and again than those of less popular sites.
Your website becomes a privileged one and also authoritative by virtue of showing Google that you could now rank in the top spots for every piece of content that get published.
Avoid Black Hat Tactics Obey Search Engine Guidelines :-
In the past it was possible to pull the wool over Google’s eyes into believing that you were an authoritative website by not following SEO guidelines and technically manipulating it. Google algorithm has come of age and has become smarter to penalize sites that try to hoodwink. However, some automated software still attempts to counter Google’s complex algorithm. Better to stay away from such unethical practice.
Even then in order to speed up the process towards becoming an authoritative website if you use such tactics you may enjoy high ranking briefly. But eventually you will be caught Search Engine Guidelines by Google and the site in question will be blacklisted for ever.
A word of advice; a better option would be to build valid authority that works on a long term basis. You could use this as a basis for improvisation and adapt your site for SEO to work in sync with changing Google algorithm. Several factors on your website need to be considered.
Using Appropriate Content :-
Focus on your content and improve your website authority. This is a most important point to be remembered. Explore and conduct research into the topics you want your audience to know and see that every piece of content is easy to comprehend by adding plenty of white space and relevant images to balance the overall look.
One of the key elements to score on authoritative website is by providing fresh content at frequent intervals. You may even, on occasions, publish high quality images and post relevant updates on content to keep your audience in the loop.